Whether it is a small scale installation for research facilities or a large scale operation with the need of far going automation, a MGS is always tailor made.
Before buying at Hortiplan, an analysis of the wishes and needs of the grower together with the specifications of the greenhouse, the chosen crop, the chosen substrate and local climatic conditions is made.
The situation of every grower is unique and so is every MGS.
Every MGS is as simple as it can be and as automated as it needs to be. Far going automation can be offered. But if a project is small or when local circumstances (abundant labour at low wages) don’t ask for automation, the design can be kept rather simple.
Depending on the crop and its aimed at end weight, Hortiplan calculates the best distances between the holes in the gullies and between the gullies at all stages of the growing process.
At Hortiplan, our only concern is a satisfied customer with an installation that fully meets the needs and wishes.